The article, written by Judith Johnson, speaks to the price we pay, as individuals and a society, for our "silence" regarding death and dying.
"Other societies educate their members about the reality of death and the processes of dying and grieving. We do not. We are left to figure it out for ourselves, relying on doctors and funeral directors to tell us what to do once we are face to face with death". Why is it that some of us chose to "delegate" these important life, and end of life, decisions to others? Why would we want to put this added pressure on to those we love and care about? Do you want others to make EOL choices for you? What if the choices made on your behalf that do not represent you and your values? What if, life altering decisions are avoided, because no one is truly clear on your wishes? These, plus many more questions, show why it is so important to start discussing death and dying now. It's imperative that we start to have A Necessary Conversation while we are still healthy. Take the opportunity to begin exploring, empowering and enriching your own personal journey.
The attached article is a bit dry (and a bit boring) to read. However, I do find it fascinating that the NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information) is providing funding to address the barriers in providing compassionate care of the dying. Shouldn't we all expect to receive compassionate care at the end of life?
This article speaks about "the medical, social and economic impediments, that include: changes in the trajectory of dying," For most folks in America, talking openly about death, dying and grief, is very uncomfortable, and some people even feel this kind of talk is not needed, at this time. However, if we do not want to experience the "impediments" that a lot of people are experiencing in End of Life, then "we" need to start having A Necessary Conversation now. Be the change to experience death differently, and join the community to "Live Death Aware"! ,The psychiatrist, William Breitbart, whom specializes in end of life care for terminally ill patients, states the most pressing questions, addressed in the dying, is what makes their life meaningful.
Breitbart states, that the time between diagnosis and death, can present an opportunity for “extraordinary growth" ~ To search for meaning To create meaning To experience meaning in life. Why wait until you have a life threatening disease, or are naturally nearing the end of life, to find your meaning? Take the time, NOW ~ To find your truth and to experience joy and happiness in the moment. Why do we avoid talking about death?
Death has become the ultimate Elephant In The Room. What happens to us when we avoid talking about death, dying and grief? Do we become more fearful of it? Do we push our feelings down? Do we have a backstory of what End of Life looks like, or should look like? How do we treat people that are experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one? Do we start to avoid that person, after a period of time, because society has told us its time to "move on"? The quick read (attached), by Terry Kettering, puts in simple words just how much we "avoid" the elephant in the room. Let's change our avoidance and start working through our emotions around death, dying and grief. |
June 2024